
El siguiente texto analiza un problema habitual en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés y es el que plantea la relación con la lengua madre de quien aprende.

This is the scene

An English lesson. The learners are working on a problem-solving activity. They're interested and there's good participation. However, the teacher is horrified: there are a lot of very nice ideas but there's a lot of Spanish going on. And a lot of errors! She thinks, «Where has all my teaching gone? They did remember to put in the -s for third person the whole of last week, and now? Nothing!»

The scene must ring a bell for you. Sometimes, no matter the amount of the effort we make to teach something properly, it is as if learners processed information their own way. They come up within correct forms that they have never been exposed to. Well, error is part of human nature, isn’t it?

Teaching and learning are often indirectly related; sometimes not related at all. There are things we teach which learners find too hard to learn, and other times they seem to pick up classroom language which was never the goal of teaching. Sometimes a very complex structure is adopted and used.

The mind processes input according to different parameters. One of them is that there seems to be a «natural route of development» specified by the target language. What does this mean? Research shows that learners whose mother tongues are different go through very similar stages in the development of the same target language, say English.

Incredible, isn’t it? This finding has a number of consequences. For one thing, that the source language has been seen to produce less impact than it was at first thought on the target language.

What is the «source language»?

The latest language you’ve learnt, or the weaker/weakest on the row. On the row? Yes! The sequence of languages a learners is attempting to learn.

If a learner’s mother tongue is an indigenous language, or an Asian language, chances are that the learning of English will be affected by either the specified mother tongue, or Spanish, if Spanish is already strong enough to offer resistance. But if the learner is a Spanish speaking monolingual, then surely Spanish will impinge upon the next language being learnt. The target language is the language being learnt at present. English, as you can imagine.

What levels of language will suffer the influence of this other language the most? Probably pronunciation, stress and intonation. But the younger the learners, the less noticeable the effect. At secondary school, there’s likely to be a marked influence in this respect.

In turn this means that the grammar of the target language –morphology and syntax– and the semantic aspects, will «accommodate», as it were, to the target language...

In turn, what does this imply? That at any stage of this process, learners are elaborating hypotheses on the basis of the information –the data– they get from the environment, that is, the (English) they hear and are taught. Sometimes these hypotheses are incorrect or incomplete, and the result is precisely errors. But errors are part of human nature, and they give us clues as to the continuum of development.

So, not only is it impossible to avoid them: they are positive indicators of the learning process. So it is healthy to allow them and register them in a journal in order to deal with them at a later date when the timing is appropriate.

Errors imply a number of cognitive processes at work. The correct hypotheses, the guesses, the incomplete applications of rules, all those features constitute learner language or interlanguage. This is not really a mixture of the source language and the target language, English. It consists of a grammar that is in constant development, but which is systematic.

The term interlanguage was coined by Larry Selinker way back in 1972, in a seminal article called precisely «Interlanguage». Selinker is at present the Head of the Centre for Interlanguage Studies, Department of Applied Linguistics, Birkbeck College, University of London, and is constantly collecting data of interlanguage forms from all over the world. Your contribution might be much appreciated.

If you would like to contact him, you might want to send him an e-mail. You can find it in his web page: Larry Selinker, Linguistics

In this light, are errors the result of bad teaching?

Can they be avoided? No, on the contrary. They show that the learner’s mind is working hard, and that the learning process is on its way.

So, what can a teacher do with errors? All in all, there are basically two types of strategies:

  • direct intervention, in the form of explicit correction, examples, charts on the blackboard, among others, and
  • indirect intervention, by providing learners with further input. This implies echoing, asking for indirect clarification in terms of meaning, among other strategies. Basically, it also means your reiterating the target structure detected as erroneous correctly in natural contexts of use.

What might be the effect of these strategies? As you may know very well, some of these actions may work the miracle, and «the penny clicks» and the learner understands, and then requires practice to consolidate this initial learning. More practice in different contexts.

As possible activities along these lines, try to select two types of strategies, as follows:

  • an activity that is destined to enlarge your learners’ acquisition apparatus –along the lines outlined above;
  • an activity whose main goal is to reflect on language use, with systematisation of structures, verb tenses and overall linguistic use.

On the scene that opened this chapter, we met a horrified teacher wondering at the misuse of Simple Present, when apparently learners had had effective practice. One useful question we might ask is, what kind of practice? Probably controlled practice of the type complete the dialogue, questions and answers, fill in the blanks, and others. This type of practice we call controlled practice or manipulation, or pre-communicative. These are some of the names that appear in textbooks
In the problem-solving activity described, learners were interested and produced creative solutions, but there was a lot of Spanish going on and many errors.

The activity was uncontrolled. Learners were really communicating. There was «communicative stress» due to their motivation. The situation was very different from the types of activities listed above, where there was control of the linguistic variable.

What do we mean by «communicative stress»?

To our knowledge, it’s the only type of stress that is positive. It’s the kind of willingness, of drive that pushes the learner on to wanting to find out, to perform, to retrieve linguistic and communicative information. A good learner, in short.
For one thing, research points to different aspects of language being acquired and learnt in different depths. It also implies the development of different strategies to resolve communicative tasks involving different language levels, sometimes related, other times isolated.

This means that the contexts of performance or «discourse domains» were very different. That's why learners' performance was different. The immediate conclusion is that learner performance is variable. We refer to this type of phenomenon «contextual variability».

Variability in learner language is parallel to variability in native language use. In fact, we don’t talk in the same way to a close friend, to our family or to our headteacher. We don’t talk in the same way to our family members if we’re happy as when we’re worried or angry.

So we see that language is so versatile and flexible that it adapts to whom we’re talking to, when, where and why, how we feel and what’s going on on our minds. Why should foreign language use be any different?

In conclusion, we recommend taking note of how learner language correlates with the communicative situation and its demands, and how learners adapt to it, affectively and cognitively.

You might propose two different kinds of activity, a factual; one, in which learners have to report on content they have discovered, and another in which they must record their feelings.


EUBANK, L., SELINKER, L. & SHARWOOD SMITH, M. (eds.) The Current State of Interlanguage (pp. 205-217). Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
SELINKER, L. (1972). Interlanguage. International Review of Applied Linguistics (pp. 10, 209-31).


Publicado: 19 de enero de 2015

Última modificación: 26 de febrero de 2015



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Lenguas Extranjeras




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