Recursos lingüísticos

6) Escuchn a Kate hablando de sus gustos musicales.

    a. ¿De qué famosa banda inglesa habla? ¿La conocen? ¿Es su banda favorita o de alguien que conocen?    
Escuchen el diálogo, por lo menos, dos veces más. Copien las palabras en un procesador de textos y relaciónenlas entre sí. Recuerden que no es importante aún comprender toda la conversación.
















c. Ahora vuelvan a escuchar el diálogo y respondan el Comprehension Quiz, que aparece en la columna lateral derecha. Al final pueden ver cómo les fue presionando el botón Check answers. Y si quieren hacerlo de nuevo, solo tienen que darle clic al botón  Reset Quiz.

d. Vuelvan a escuchar el diálogo, y copien la transcripción, para completar, en un procesador de texto para realizar la actividad. Si desean ver la transcripción completa hagan clic en Full Transcription.

Nicola: So Kate, tell me about your ……………………………… music!

Kate: I'd say my …………………………… would have to be the Beatles.

Nicola: Yeah.

Kate: I …………………………… the Beatles, cause they always make me happy and I've grown up with the Beatles

Nicola: Uh-huh, so did your parents listen to it?

Kate: Yeah, so we had all these old 45's when I was younger and this record player, and so we had loads of like Simon and Garfunkel and the Beatles and the Stones so that was the music I grew up listening to, and that's what I still really ……………………………

Nicola: Oh, awesome, and so do you have like a favorite …………………………… or?

Kate: Yeah, probably it's «Happiness is a warm gun» which is on the White Album.

Nicola: Yeah, right, right, cool.

Kate: I …………………………… all their albums. But I haven't been to Liverpool yet. I'd like to go. That would be ……………………………

Nicola: And do you have a favorite Beatle?

Kate: John Lennon, definitely. He's definitely the coolest. I …………………………… his songs.

Nicola: Do you …………………………… his individual work?

Kate: Yeah.

Nicola: Yeah

Kate: Yeah. Some of them, like «Imagine» is really good. Yeah, he's definitely my favorite. Though, I quite …………………………… George as well. That was sad when he died, cause he was, yeah, he was real individual. I like Ringo, but Paul not so ……………………………

Nicola: (laughs) Cool! Thanks, Kate!

d. Por último, preparen una conversación similar con un/a compañero/a completando con la información sobre sus propios gustos musicales. Pueden usar las frases a continuación:

Tell me about your favorite music.

Do you like ………………………?

Do you have a favorite player / song / album / musician / band?

Do you like his / her individual work?

Cool! Thanks!

I like …………….. very much.

I think he/ she is // they are the best / the coolest / the greatest.

I love ……………. because………………. (they always make me happy/ active / they make me dance / think/ imagine / laugh…)

I'd say my favorite band / music / singer / player is …………………………….

That was the music I grew up listening to, and that's what I still really like.

You´re welcome / That´s ok.

Full Transcript :

Nicola: So Kate, tell me about your favorite music!

Kate: I'd say my favorite music would have to be the Beatles.

Nicola: Yeah.

Kate: I love the Beatles, cause they always make me happy and I've grown up with the Beatles.

Nicola: Uh-huh, so you're parents listen to it?

Kate: Yeah, so we have all these old 45's when I was younger and this record player, and so we had loads of like Simon and Garfunkel and the Beatles and the Stones so that was the music I grew up listening to, and that's what I still really love.

Nicola: Oh, awesome, and so do you like have a favorite song or?

Kate: Yeah, probably it's «Happiness is a warm gun» which is on the White Album.

Nicola: Yeah, right, right, cool.

Kate: I love all their albums. But I haven't been to Liverpool yet. I'd like to go. That would be nice.

Nicola: And do you have a favorite Beatle?

Kate: John Lennon, definitely. He's definitely the coolest. I like his songs.

Nicola: Do you like his individual work?

Kate: Yeah.

Nicola: Yeah

Kate: Yeah. Some of them, like Imagine is really good. Yeah, he's definitely my favorite. Though, I quite like George as well. That was sad when he died, cause he was, yeah, he was real individual. I like Ringo, but Paul not so much.