Observar y comprender

2) Ahora, vamos a conocer algunos datos de la vida de un hombre muy particular.

a. Observenla foto y lean.

Picture A

They are Héctor and his wife Elena.

Héctor is a very busy man. He is 57 years old. He is married and has 10 jobs.

Fuente: Vladimir Pustovit / Flickr.

b. ¿Qué saben acerca de Héctor? ¿Por qué tendrá tantos trabajos?

c. Estas fotos ilustran algunos de los trabajos de Héctor. ¿Se imaginan cuáles serán esos trabajos? Si no saben cómo se dice el oficio en inglés, pueden buscar en un diccionario online, como Wordreference.

Picture B

Fuente: Ugg Boy / Flickr.

Picture C

Fuente: Caroline Sorechio / Flickr.

Creative Commons. Foto:

Picture D

Fuente: Alex Kehr / Flickr.

Picture E

Fuente: USACE Europe District / Flickr. 

3) La increíble vida de Héctor.

a. Lean y escuchen la historia de Héctor. Presten mucha atención a sus trabajos.


Héctor is a very busy man. He is 57 years old. He is married and has 10 jobs. He's a driver, a policeman, a barman, a shop assistant, a hotel manager, an accountant, a fireman, a postman, a chef and a reporter. Let's know more about his life!

Héctor lives and works on Huemul island, in Río Negro. Only 110 people live on that island and they all work very hard. The island is an important tourist attraction, and many people visit it during the summer.

In the morning, Héctor works at his small hotel with his wife. He prepares breakfast for the guests and then checks the accounts and assists the guests. Then, he works as a shop assistant at the local supermarket. At midday he delivers letters to all the houses on the island.

In the afternoon, Héctor helps at the police station and the fire station. Sometimes, he works for the local newspaper as a reporter. He interviews local people and writes articles about their lives.

At night, he cooks dinner for the hotel guests and mixes drinks for them at the hotel bar. By the end of the day he usually feels exhausted. He has a drink with his wife and goes to bed.

b. ¿Cuáles son los diez trabajos de Héctor? Encuéntrenlos en el texto y cópienlos en un procesador de texto.


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c. Verifiquen su comprensión de la historia marcando si las siguientes frases son verdaderas (True) o falsas (False).

1) Héctor is single.

2) He lives in Río Negro.

3) Huemul island attracts tourists in summer and winter.

4) In the morning Héctor works at the police station.

5) He cooks dinner for his wife.

6) He usually feels exhausted at night.