Recursos lingüísticos

3) En esta actividad van a leer un breve pronóstico sobre la ciudad de Seattle, Estados Unidos.

The city of Seattle
Fuente: Hunter-Desportes / Flickr.

a. Lean y escuchen el pronóstico.

In Seattle, it will be rainy and windy tomorrow morning with rain falling until late in the afternoon. On the east side of the mountains in Spokane, the sun will shine and temperatures will reach 30 degrees Celsius. In the evening, the weather will become windy and cloudy. In the mountains, you can expect snow above 2,000 meters.

b. Los pronósticos meteorológicos utilizan el tiempo verbal Simple future para hacer predicciones. Observen:

In Seattle, it will be rainy and windy tomorrow morning.

In Spokane, the sun will shine.

Temperatures will reach 30 degrees Celsius.

The weather will become windy and cloudy.

c. Ahora, respondan en inglés, empleando Simple future.     

What will the weather be like in Seattle?

What will the weather be like in the city of Spokane?

What will the weather be like in the mountains?